The last 48 hours has been absolutely insane. And while I could easily bubble up with negative emotion, I am finding the gratitude that is all over these last couple days.
On Wednesday, at 1:30am Jesse was on his way to work in Denver. He hit a patch of ice and was sent into the concrete barrier. It’s likely that his car is totaled. He was okay & asked to be brought to work by the cop that helped him. The kids & I were able to pick him up when enough of the management team was in to cover. From there we went to the tow yard to get our personal belongings out of his car & take pictures of the damage for insurance. The insurance called immediately & got our claim submitted to the rental car place in Loveland. By the time we got back from Denver, we were able to get a rental car secured and get back home.
GRATITUDE SHOT: 7 years ago on the 23rd, had Jesse been in an accident like this, he would have had drugs still in his system. He would have been skeptical of law enforcement & may not have wanted to call for help. He likely would have looked unhealthy and may have called attention to himself in a negative way. This time, he asked for help willingly from law enforcement, he was upstanding & clearly a family man on his way to work. He was NOT ticketed and was not injured. 🙏🏼
When we got home from all of the accident stuff our pipes were frozen & we didn’t have water. Shortly after we were able to get the water to come back on, but had to have a pretty steady stream of water to keep them from refreezing. Unfortunately, on Thursday the pipes refroze. In an effort to get them going again, I had played with the pressure in each of the rooms. The water started flowing again & I went from room to room adjusting the pressure. Unfortunately our bathroom sink doesn’t drain very well & within three minutes our bathroom flooded. I was in panic mode & managed to get every single towel I could see down on the floor to mop up the mess. I used my phone flashlight and a dry towel and crawled around the perimeter of our bathroom to be sure that all of the water was cleaned up. Everything that had been in the bathroom was fairly soaked and I had to essentially detail everything. It was a long process, but I managed to get everything cleaned up.
GRATITUDE SHOT: We have family that is ready and willing to help us when we need it & we will be able to have our heat tape checked on Saturday to ensure that we are doing what we can to remedy the pipe issues later on. Also, the perimeter of my bathroom is now sparkling clean AND the cabinet is reorganized! 🙏🏼
An hour later at 2pm, we were sent notification from Luke’s school that his classroom was closing after school and would be closed until March 7th. We were going to be switching to virtual learning & needed to be ready to get started first thing Friday morning. I go into work on Friday & Monday to switch out work & pick up more work. To find out that Luke would be home both of those days caused a bit of panic as I contacted work to figure out what I could do. I was able to come to a conclusion & checked that off the list of things that I needed to handle.
GRATITUDE SHOT: I have a flexible job that allows for me to work around things like this happening. WHAT A BLESSING! 🙏🏼
Luke came home from school with a laptop & all of the school work he was going to need to carry out school at home between now & March 7th. He has a schedule that he has to follow & all of the supplies he may need for the time being.
GRATITUDE SHOT: We were able to set Luke up at his desk that he got for Christmas in his bedroom. He has everything he needs, a quiet environment to learn & engage with his classmates & his teachers. Winnie was able to be out in the living room & the kitchen without disturbing her brother. Luke & I were able to do movement activities during his breaks & chat while he ate lunch. He helped me do a few chores during his lunch break & then was ready to hop back into learning. 🙏🏼
The last 48 hours has been easily some of the most challenging mental and emotional days I’ve had in a long time. And yet, the gratitude amidst all of this is the highlight. Feeling grateful & blessed to have life, to have what we need, to have safety, to have flexibility in the eye of the storm, and to have Team Yearley ready & willing to take it all on TOGETHER.
Days are going to be hard y’all. They’re going to come with uphill battles that feel next to impossible & yet the ability to adapt to those things is the real treasure. Because no matter what may happen, we are learning, growing & becoming better versions of ourselves along the way. These days haven’t been without tears, but there have been just as many tears of gratitude as their have been tears of sadness & fear.
Here’s to another day, another battle, another gratitude shot - cheers friends! We can do hard things. 💕