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It's A Pleasure To "Meet" You (:

If you've found yourself visiting my little corner of the internet, welcome! Whatever brings you here, it is my deepest hope that you leave here feeling peaceful, connected, and seen.​ I have a love for enhancing my voice through writing. It has been a passion since I was old enough to hold a pencil and is one that I rely on greatly. In my humble opinion communication is the secret ingredient to the functionality of everything and without it we are unable to lead authentic and fulfilling lives. ​It is here on this blog that I will engage in communication with you, my friends. It is my hope that through my writing you will feel as though we are together, each with our favorite drink in hand, embarking on this wild and often bumpy ride of life together.  I am by no means an expert in any of these topics nor will I ever claim to be. I am a wife, a mama, a believer, a daughter, a granddaughter, a sister, a cousin, and a friend attempting to navigate the world with grace, light, and a little bit of coffee . I pray that together, we find what we are looking for in the moment and continue to stay hopeful, optimistic and grounded as the world continues to spin. 

Xx, Alex, Mama Yearley, Cook

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