As a work from home wife and mom of two, I have a particularly hectic schedule. It keeps me booked nearly 95% of the time and the other 5% still stands to be filled in with something for the kids, work, volunteering, chores, or on the rare occasion... a shower. Needless to say, my plate is full; buffet style full. As I've continued to grow and evolve through this season of life, I have come across some helpful tools/resources that I think have been quite beneficial for me. I have shared a few of them with my dear friends and they too have found them to be helpful in their lives as well. It occurred to me that maybe I should share them here, so as to maybe help those that I am not in contact with personally. In order to do this well, I have planned a blog series pertaining to the tools and resources that have changed the game for Team Yearley. To kick off this series, I want to take you into a standard week in our household. It is here that I will give you the who, what, when, where and why that has created a necessity for the how. In the blogs to follow, I will share the resources and tools that have been critical for the functionality of our family team. Without further ado, a week in the life goes a little something like this:
Jesse leaves for work around 7:15. In order for him to do this in a timely fashion, I get up with him, get myself dressed and then help get his lunch ready while he gets his coffee made. After making his lunch, I get Luke's lunch made. Luke goes to school from 7:45-3:10, so we have to leave by 7:35 for drop off. Most of the time, Luke is up and gets himself dressed and ready for school. He'll have a snack sometimes, but often opts for breakfast at school with his friends. If Jesse has time, he'll get Winnie up and changed before he leaves for work. If not, I finish with Luke's lunch, load his backpack and then get her ready. After drop off, I come home and get Win and myself fed. I'll get her changed and let her play for a bit while I start on the days chores. Then I'll get a bottle made and get her in for her morning nap. During morning nap, I focus on doing my bible study, getting the days chores done, as well as any work I may have for my job. Win gets up from her morning nap in the afternoon and we have lunch. She will play for a while and then we go get big brother from school. After school we come home for snack. Every other week I have a bible study that I go to in the evening, so I will get dinner prepped for Jess and the kids and get stuff ready for them before heading out. I meet for bible study in the same town that Jesse works in, so he meets me there to pick up the kids. I do my bible study and then head home around 7:30p. Usually, I make it home to see Luke before he goes to bed, but Win is often in bed. Then Jess and I either play games or watch a show before going to bed.
Tuesday & Thursday
The rest of the week functions similarly to Monday, with a few alterations. On these days, I have a chiropractor appointment after drop off. My appointment is usually around 30 minutes. After that we head home and the day follows Monday's schedule until the evening. After school, we head home for snack. During this time I will prepare dinner for the evening. Luke has soccer practice for an hour on these nights, so by the time we make it home we all are exhausted and starving. I try to have dinner accounted for so that we don't have to worry about that when we get back. Once we get home, the night goes pretty fast. Between dinner & bedtime routines, the night is gone before we even realized it was upon us.
This functions the same as Monday, except that Luke starts school an hour later for weekly late start. Then the rest of the day functions similarly to Tuesday & Thursday with a few exceptions. In addition to any work or chores that I have on Wednesday, I am also volunteering for the Financial Care Ministry at church. The work for this needs to be completed on Wednesday, so as to be ready for our decision team to meet on Thursday. After school, instead of soccer, Luke has gymnastics for an hour. We also watch Survivor on these nights so we have dinner in the living room right after we get home.
By Friday, we're all pretty much wiped out. This day functions similarly to Monday, except that on the weeks I don't do bible study, I actually go into the office to exchange work. I also plan for the weekend on these days. This includes grocery pickups, meal prep, and any other chores that were missed during the week. I attempt to keep the weekends for events, soccer games, and other obligations. After school and work, we all watch the weeks episode of Masked Singer before Luke goes to bed.
This has changed up for our family, as Jesse is in a particularly busy season at work. He has decided to utilize a few hours on Saturday morning to get more done at work. With him going to work, I will be taking Luke to his soccer games. After soccer we will come home and let Win take her nap. After Jesse gets off, he plans to mow for my grandma until the weather no longer permits and then come home. We plan to get ready and go to church Saturday evening so as to have Sunday fully open.
And just like that, the week is over and ready to start anew. The only thing that I know for certain on Sunday is football and Jesse & I have our coaches meeting. I think that with Jesse working 6 days a week, Sunday will become an intentional family day. We have many touch points through the week, which is wonderful, but having a full day that we all spend together is incredibly important for our family.
A standard week for our family team functions roughly like this. There are a number of variables that can impact the week and quite a few minor things that I didn't even mention here. For the sake of the blog series, this outline provides the basics. Next week, I'll begin sharing the game changers.
I hope that some of these tools can spark something in your own lives and can help to redirect, reorganize, or simply settle some things in your daily lives. Life can often be busy and overwhelming. I pray that I can bring a little light into the chaos and that if anything, you'll see through these blogs that you are not alone.
I look forward to sharing this blog series with you in the coming weeks. In the meantime, I leave you with a small, yet mighty tip for washing spoons - If you have a garbage disposal, put the spoon down in the garbage disposal before cleaning it off. It keeps the water in the sink and not all over your entire body, kitchen, and soul. You're welcome.
Mama Yearley